How to Apply

2024 - 2025 Guidelines

Application deadline is October 15, 2024, by 5 p.m. Students may only apply to one academic center.

1. Attend one of the Information Sessions

Information sessions will be held on Tuesday, September 10 at 4:30pm at the Visualization Wall, lower level of Shain Library. Students complete the Preliminary Application form at the application informational session. This does not commit students to proceed with the application process. This form allows the Ammerman Center Staff to assign Faculty Fellows and student application advisers.

If you are unable to attend the information session, please contact Steve Luber, Associate Director, ( to make a preliminary appointment.

2. Meet with Associate Director Steve Luber by September 30.

Steve will review the application process and program requirements and assign each applicant a Faculty Fellow and a student adviser.

3. Meet with assigned Faculty Fellow by October 1. Fellows will discuss areas of research, potential projects and provide direction and feedback on the application essay. 

4. Meet with student adviser by October 1. Student advisers can informally help you to navigate the application process. The student adviser will contact the applicant, and meetings will be set up informally, and as necessary throughout the process.

5. Submit a rough draft of the application materials to your Faculty Fellow by October 6. Faculty will send feedback by October 10. Multiple meetings or revisions may be helpful as well as visiting the Roth Writing Center.

6. Notify the Ammerman Center about your final intention to apply by October 6. Email Steve (

7. Request recommendations from two Connecticut College faculty members, from two different departments by September 30. Ask them to complete the Faculty Recommendation Form (available here) to the Center by October 15.

8. Print an unofficial transcript from DegreeWorks.

9. Complete the online application via Google Forms by October 15.

A complete application to the Center must include the following:

  1. Online application
  2. Transcript
  3. Resume
  4. Two (2) recommendation forms completed by Connecticut College faculty (completed by faculty)

The Ammerman Center will review and consider all complete applications. Students will be notified of acceptance into the program by November 1.

2024 Deadlines at-a-glance

September 10:      Attend Information Session
September 10-30: Individual Appointments with Associate Director
October 4:            Meet with assigned Faculty Fellow(s)
                           Meet with student advisor
                           Request Faculty Recommendations
October 8:           Submit rough draft of the essay to Faculty Fellow
October 8:           Notify Center of intention to apply
October 15:         Submit Complete Application 
November 1:       Notification of Acceptance